Social harmfulness of offences committed against goods acquired through immoral means
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social harmfulness, pornographic works, moral assessment, copyright infringement

How to Cite

Kulik, M., & Mozgawa, M. (2022). Social harmfulness of offences committed against goods acquired through immoral means. Ius Novum, 16(2), 7–20. Retrieved from


The article discusses the issue of the degree of social harmfulness of acts detrimental to goods
obtained through immoral means (specifically, infringement of copyright to legally produced
pornographic films). All film productions (also those of a pornographic nature) are works
within the meaning of the Polish Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.
The protection of rights to them is not limited by any moral assessments, but by objectively
verifiable features of the work. For legal pornographic works, while their content itself may
be regarded as controversial or even unacceptable from the point of view of social norms, the
assessment of the social harmfulness of the act is determined not by their content but by the
degree of the infringement of the object of protection. The moral assessment of the content
contained in the work is irrelevant, if the content is in itself legal and disseminated lawfully,
because the protection of non-property rights and, in particular, property rights to a work
is not about the protection of the content of those works, but about the author’s rights. The
finding that the act involved the dissemination of a someone else’s pornographic work cannot
serve as a basis for considering the degree of social harmfulness of the offence as negligible. It
is only the degree of copyright infringement that matters in the specific case.

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