The possibility for a Civil Court to independently determine that a tort is a crime – comments in the light of case law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding presumption of innocence
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presumption of innocence
the European Court of Human Rights
limitation for tort claims

How to Cite

Grochowska-Wasilewska, A. (2022). The possibility for a Civil Court to independently determine that a tort is a crime – comments in the light of case law of the European Court of Human Rights regarding presumption of innocence. Ius Novum, 16(3), 63–78.


According to the well-established Supreme Court’s case law, the civil court is entitled to
determine independently whether a tort constitutes a criminal offence even in the absence
of a final judgement of conviction. This opinion was expressed by the Supreme Court for
the purpose of applying the extended limitation period under Article 4421 § 2 of the Civil
Code for claims for a tort that is a crime. The Supreme Court’s statement raises doubts on the
grounds of the presumption of innocence. The purpose of this article is firstly to present the
standard concerning the scope of the presumption of innocence in civil proceedings, created
by the European Court of Human Rights on the basis of Article 6 § 2 of the ECHR, according
to which everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved
guilty according to law. Then it is the assessment of the compatibility of the Supreme Court’s
opinion through the perspective of the Convention standard.
pdf (Język Polski)


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