The issue of legalising an advertising medium located by a public road at a distance shorter than the one required by act on public roads
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advertising, public road, legalisation, construction permit, road administrator

How to Cite

Sieradzka, M. (2022). The issue of legalising an advertising medium located by a public road at a distance shorter than the one required by act on public roads. Ius Novum, 16(2), 170–181.


The article discusses the issues related to the legalisation of an advertising medium located
by a public road at the distance that is shorter than the one required by the Act on public
roads. Both the type of the medium and its location affect the obligation to notify an organ or
obtain a building permit. A special issue in this regard is the possibility of obtaining a road
administrator’s consent for the placement of an advertising device in spite of the fact that
the minimum distance of advertisements from the outer edge of a road was not taken into
consideration in the course of the legalisation proceeding. Despite the lack of legal regulations
of this matter, possible solutions are indicated.
pdf (Język Polski)


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