Directors of maritime offices as local maritime administration bodies
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Słowa kluczowe

maritime office, directors of maritime offices, autonomous government administration, local maritime administration bodies, competences

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Tużnik, M. R. (2024). Directors of maritime offices as local maritime administration bodies. Ius Novum, 18(4 ENG), 92–106. Pobrano z


This study examines the roles of directors of maritime offices as local maritime administration bodies. The publication is divided into three thematic areas. The first concerns the placement of directors of maritime offices within the system of autonomous government administration bodies, as defined by the Act of 23 January 2009 on the Voivode and Government Administration in the Voivodeships. The second thematic area focuses on the legal position of directors of maritime offices, as specified by the Act of 21 March 1991 on Maritime Areas of the Republic of Poland and Maritime Administration. The third thematic area outlines the competences of maritime administration bodies, including those of directors of maritime offices, whose powers extend beyond the above-mentioned Act. The publication concludes with an assessment of the currently applicable legal regulations regarding the subject matter. The aim of this review article is to systematise the fundamental issues concerning directors of maritime offices as local maritime administration bodies. The main research hypothesis posited by the author is that directors of maritime offices possess extensive competences as local maritime administration bodies. The research methods employed include analysis of legal texts and dogmatic analysis. The research is national in scope.

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Lazarski University, Warsaw, Poland