Stepparents’ upbringing obligation towards their stepchildren
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upbringing obligation
stepparent (stepfather/stepmother)
parental authority
biological parent
reconstructed family
parental responsibility

How to Cite

Lewandowska-Urbanowicz, M. (2023). Stepparents’ upbringing obligation towards their stepchildren. Ius Novum, 17(2), 111–139. Retrieved from


The article deals with the issue of reconstructed families, and more specifically, the role of individual members of such families and the processes that take place in such families. Due to the multiplicity of the above processes, the article focuses attention on the deliberations about the stepparent’s upbringing process towards the stepchild by determining its content, scope and role. The present article is therefore an analysis of the above duty of the stepparent towards the stepchild, pointing out its normative sources, and also an analysis of this duty in relation to the parental authority of the spouse, and in relation to the parental authority of the other biological parent remaining outside the reconstructed family. The deliberations presented in the article are aimed at demonstrating the main thesis of the article that in order for the foster parent’s current custody of the child to be effective, the situation of the stepparent in terms of the upbringing obligation should be made independent of the situation of the biological parent, which results from the parental authority vested in him/her, and introduce, for example, the institution of the so-called “adoptive parent’s care”, which would include some rights and obligations typical of parental authority and would be independent of the parental authority of the child’s biological parent. It could be an equivalent of the concept of parental responsibility existing in the English law.

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