Legal regulations as a factor in minimising the risk of a return to using new psychoactive drugs
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designer drugs
inability to drive vehicles
compulsory treatment
new psychoactive drugs
intoxication with designer drugs
public health protection

How to Cite

Król-Całkowska, J., & Sieradzka, M. (2022). Legal regulations as a factor in minimising the risk of a return to using new psychoactive drugs. Ius Novum, 16(4), 116–133. Retrieved from


The use of legal highs increases risks in the area of public health in Poland. The law provides
for criminal liability for possession as well as the trade of NSP, however, it does not provide
for the compulsion of treatment for addicts. The material used as a starting point for a practical
presentation of the discussed issues was statistical data on the intake of “legal highs” in Poland
in the years 2015–2017, including the number of deaths caused by their use. The authors also
conducted a study in the form of analysis of data contained in individual medical records of
patients hospitalized in the Acute Poisoning Department of J. Nofer Institute of Occupational
Medicine in Lodz due to the consumption of new psychoactive substances. The paper uses the
method of analysis of the existing legal regulations, referring at the same time to the doctrine
of law and the emerging line of jurisprudence. The analysis of the legitimacy of the introduction
of compulsory treatment mechanisms for people returning to the use of designer drugs
shows the tendency of their cyclical use by patients of the acute poisoning department IMP
in Lodz. In connection with the number of legal highs poisonings in Poland, it is necessary to
introduce legal algorithms of conduct concerning the obligation to treat persons using designer
drugs harmfully and persons addicted to them. Legal highs, compulsory treatment, new
psychoactive substances, legal highs poisoning, protection of public health.

pdf (Język Polski)


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