Prohibition of excessive formalism and judicial practice: comments based on civil case law of Polish courts in the context of Article 6 ECHR


excessive formalism
fair trial
procedural instructions
obligation of loyalty
obligation of diligence
right to a court

How to Cite

Łazarska, A. (2020). Prohibition of excessive formalism and judicial practice: comments based on civil case law of Polish courts in the context of Article 6 ECHR. Ius Novum, 14(4), 47–65.


The guarantee of the right to a fair trial (Article 6 ECHR) in the light of the Strasbourg case law implies the need for the court to fulfil all disclosure obligations that have a guarantee significance in terms of the right to a court and the prohibition of excessive formalism. The Strasbourg Court in the ECtHR judgments of 11 October 2018 in the case of Parol v. Poland, and of 28 March 2019 in the case of Adamkowski v. Poland, on the background of concurrent facts, stated that the rejection by civil courts of appeals of the applicants, persons deprived of liberty, was a manifestation of excessive formalism inadmissible under Article 6 ECHR. This decision was influenced by the fact that the applicants were not duly instructed by the court about the formal requirements related to lodging an appeal. These judgments are a clear signal to the courts that, when applying procedural law, one must make its interpretation friendly in terms of substance and in line with Convention on Human Rights so as not to violate the fair trial guarantee. Perhaps these judgments will become an important contribution to a wider discussion on the interpretation of procedural law and effective judicial protection. The problem lies not only in the law itself, but also in the lack of sufficient guarantees of its pro-Convention interpretation by the courts. Despite the upgrading of court buildings and their adaptation to the needs of clients, a meticulous attachment to the mechanical and routine application of procedural rules often prevails in courts.


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