The Soft law acts of the UOKiK President and their impact on determining the situation of an entrepreneur in anti-monopoly proceedings
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soft law acts, guidelines, competition, challengeability of soft law acts

How to Cite

Wieczerzyńska, B. (2024). The Soft law acts of the UOKiK President and their impact on determining the situation of an entrepreneur in anti-monopoly proceedings. Ius Novum, 18(3), 83–96. Retrieved from


With the adoption of the acquis communitaire, the Polish administration was confronted with a large number of soft law acts issued by the EU administration, and began to make extensive use of them itself. The systematic “hardening” of soft law acts causes that these instruments show a discrepancy between their formally non-binding status and the actual intended meaning and effects – they often have the nature of a “hidden directive”, or even a more imperative measure, exerting legal effects and defining the legal situation of e.g. entrepreneurs. Therefore, it is postulated that soft law acts may be subject to autonomous judicial review in terms of both interpretation and annulment. The President of UOKiK may also issue official explanations and guidelines that meet the definition of soft law acts. Guidelines for determining the amount of fines for entrepreneurs have a significant impact on determining the legal situation of entrepreneurs, and judicial decisions increasingly uncritically refer to the methodology of setting fines specified in them.

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