European Pricing System for Water Services as an Instrument for Shaping the Principle of Cost Recovery and the Polluter Pays Principle
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Water Framework Directive, water services, polluter pays principle, principle of cost recovery

How to Cite

Sobota, M. (2022). European Pricing System for Water Services as an Instrument for Shaping the Principle of Cost Recovery and the Polluter Pays Principle. Ius Novum, 16(2), 182–197.


The entry into force of Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
has introduced a new pricing system for water services. The Directive identifies the polluterpays
principle and the principle of cost recovery as a basis for action to be taken by the
Member States when setting up pricing systems for water services. The provisions of Article
2(38) and Article 9 of the Directive raised questions of interpretation. The research issue of
this study is to determine the discretionary scope of the Member States of the European Union
for the protection of waters under a pricing system for water services, and to interpret the
concept of “services” used in the Directive in the context of the cost recovery principle and
the polluter-pays principle. The author, on the basis of the adopted research method, i.e.,
interpretation of law, views of legal academics and commentators, case-law of the Court of
Justice of the European Union, states that the Directive provides for a mechanism whereby
each EU Member State determines the individual uses of water in a pricing system for water
services on the basis of a country-specific definition of “water services”. The pricing system
for water services is only one of the legal instruments for setting the principle of cost recovery
and the polluter-pays principle in the Member States’ water management system, and its scope
is based on geographical, economic and natural criteria.
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