Cyborg artwork
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prawo autorskie
twórczość cyborgów
pojęcie utworu

How to Cite

Nowak-Gruca, A. (2022). Cyborg artwork. Ius Novum, 16(2), 79–93.


The copyright law enshrines the principle that copyright protection can be considered only
in the case of works of human origin, which is mitigated in the Anglo-Saxon systems by
introducing the category of computer-generated works. Nowadays we are dealing with
a situation where, first of all, we are unable to precisely indicate the features of the subject of
protection and copyright law grapples with an unresolved problem of distinguishing a work
from other objects. Secondly, in the case of new phenomena such as the creation of AI, androids
or cyborgs, there are difficulties with attributing the authorship of the work. This results in
a too high level of uncertainty of legal effectiveness. The aim of the paper is to present the
phenomenon of the work of cyborg artists in the context of the anthropocentric approach tothe authorship of the work, which is dominant in copyright law. The central problem here is
the question of the copyright status of works that arise as a result of shifting the boundaries
of human possibilities.
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