Classification of activities subject to entry in the register of telecommunications entrepreneurs


telecommunications activity
entry into the register of telecommunications entrepreneurs
provision of a telecommunications network
telecommunications service
provision of telecommunications services
associated facilities
associated services

How to Cite

Krupa, W. (2020). Classification of activities subject to entry in the register of telecommunications entrepreneurs. Ius Novum, 14(4), 170–192.


The article aims to present the issue concerning the classification of entrepreneurs’ activities consisting in a telecommunications activity within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 16 July 2004: Telecommunications Law. Despite the legal definitions of specific types of activities, determining the legal status of many services provided with the use of telecommunications networks poses significant practical problems and, consequently, increases risks for entrepreneurs as they lack the appropriate authorisation to conduct telecommunications activities required by regulations or obtain entry into the register of telecommunications entrepreneurs for an activity that is not telecommunications. The emergence of new activities and the development of new communication techniques only increase the above-mentioned problem. Partial explanation and additional guidance on the interpretation of legal definitions of specific types of telecommunications activities are provided by case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. However, in many cases, it is an entrepreneur who eventually has to make the appropriate decision regarding notification of his activity to the registry of telecommunications entrepreneurs. New categories of electronic communications services introduced by the regulations on the European Electronic Communications Code do not solve the problem and even increase it due to definition-related ambiguities left unresolved. The article makes an attempt to clarify interpretative doubts in order to allow defining a demarcation line between regulated activities requiring entry into the register of telecommunications entrepreneurs and activities remaining outside the scope of the provisions of the Telecommunications Law.


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