Obsignatio et depositio of an officially opened testament in Roman law


opening of a testament
sealing of a testament
storing of a testament
Roman law
Pauli Sententiae

How to Cite

Kursa, S. (2020). Obsignatio et depositio of an officially opened testament in Roman law. Ius Novum, 14(2), 189–199. https://doi.org/10.26399/iusnovum.v14.2.2020.21/s.kursa


The aim of this article is to explain the final stage of the procedure of opening of a testament, in particular, how the testament was protected once it was closed again. An action related to the resealing of a testament is explained, a person who was responsible for its sealing and storing is indicated, as well as an attempt is made to determine the location where the resealed testament was archived. It has been established that only the official responsible for carrying out the opening procedure would affix the seal to the once again closed testament, and if the testament was opened with the participation of extraordinary witnesses due to absence of witnesses of the testament making, it was also sealed by them. The resealed testament, if verification by absent witnesses was not needed, was immediately deposited with the heir who was considered the testament owner, or placed in the temple archive or the official archive for safekeeping.
