Women’s crime in the context of selected sociological concepts of crime


female crime
theory of social bonds
theory of balance of control
theory of anomie
theory of social stigmatisation

How to Cite

Brzezińska, J. . (2020). Women’s crime in the context of selected sociological concepts of crime . Ius Novum, 14(1), 35–58. https://doi.org/10.26399/iusnovum.v14.1.2020.02/j.brzezinska


The aim of the study is to indicate the links between selected sociological theories of crime and the phenomenon of women’s crime. The initial characteristics of the indicated category of theories makes it possible to define further those aspects which, in the context of general assumptions, determine their relations with a particular category of perpetrators: women. In attempt to confront theoretical considerations with the findings of empirical nature, the study indicates selected categories of crimes committed by women in Poland when the Criminal Code of 1997 was in force. Such an approach allows the final determination whether the assumptions of the analysed theoretical concepts have been confirmed by the presented research, or whether their potential remodelling is necessary. The structure of the study has determined the application of two research methods: dogmatic and empirical.
